Three Essential Planning Tips for Partner Visa Application

If you are thinking about moving to Australia to live with your spouse or partner, you should consider applying for a partner visa. As implied, this visa is designed to allow individuals with partners who are citizens or permanent residents to live in the country on a temporary or permanent basis. This option is favourable for couples because a provisional visa could lead to a permanent one. However, you should note that a successful application is not as simple as it might appear. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a qualified immigration attorney for legal guidance. In addition, consider using the below outlined tips when preparing for partner visa application.

Know Recognised Relationships

It is important to understand the relationships that are recognised and eligible for a partner visa before application. Knowing the details will help you determine whether you should proceed with this application or choose an alternative visa. In general, people in marriages and de facto relationships can apply for a partner visa. However, there are limitations on some relationships which are not recognised in the country.

For instance, polygamous and underage marriages might not be acceptable. Also, relationships with prohibited elements, such as those between people with close blood relationships, will be rejected. In addition, it is possible for a marriage not to be considered valid under the local laws due to differences in legislation. If this is the case for you, you should look into lodging an application under a de facto relationship.

Consider Your Relationship Status

You should keep in mind that your relationship with your partner must meet certain standards for a successful visa application. In simple terms, the case office will consider more than just the legal aspects of your marriage or de facto relationship. It is necessary for your relationship to be good. Ideally, there should be a mutual commitment and a shared life. Your relationship must be continuing and have genuineness. In addition, it is essential for you and your partner to live together.

Prepare Proof of Relationship

Finally, you will need to provide documents which prove the validity of your marriage or relationship. If you are married, it will be easy to confirm the relationship with your certificate and other related documents. A de facto relationship can be harder to prove. However, if you are diligent in record-keeping, you will come up with enough material. Good examples of evidence that you can provide include joint bank accounts, joint rental agreements, a civil union certificate and photos and birth certificates of the children you share. 

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About Me

Immigration Advice and Tips Welcome! This blog will help you to understand immigration law and the process of applying for a visa. We will be looking at the different type of visa available to you, the conditions you must meet to be approved for each visa. We will also look at the immigration law relating to newly married partners. While we aren't experts in this area, we have been interested in this area of law for many years. We have spent a long time researching different aspects of immigration law so we can offer your tips and guidance. Thanks for checking out this blog!



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